Back from the dead...

I am sorry for being such a bullshit-worthless-useless Blogger. I have had shitloads to do and I ran out of ideas. But I will try to get better! Now when summer is around the corner I might get some sunspiration (Haha).

Not much has been going on. I went to London for a couple of days. It was fucking weird coming back but abselutely amazing. I saw Jemila again, a girl I havent seen in more than three years. I also saw Dave and another guy called John. And a third guy called Jim. It was all fun and games:-) The only thing that was missing was money. London is the city for THE shopping but with a budget like was a no-go;-(

I have made an amazing discovery. Oil! See, because I am so pale I have never dared to be out in the sun with oil. Especially because I thought it was such a stupid thing when I also have to use a sun-block. But oil is fucking amazing. It has been like 35 C here the last couple of weeks, so I have been studying out in the sun and by the sea. And, believe it or not, I am (or was) brown. (I am losing my colour very quickly) BUT anyway..its so nice to actually get some colour! My legs, however, refuses to get some colour at all, so I guess they will stay whiter than snow-white this summer. I even got so frustrated with my legs so I decided to not use any sun-block and just use oil. Nothing happened. They were just as white as before. If not whiter. I was hoping for atleast some sort of redish colour. But no, no.

Next week I`ve got my tests for school and then summer can begin for real. I feel like I sort of have my tests in control and sort of not. Everything is sort of mixed up in my brain but I`ve got another two days so I really hope I can manage to get everything together til then. After that I will start working for a company called Outdoor Interlaken. I can`t wait to get some work done..and to get some money.

Oh! I almost forgot about that. Me and Patrick has decided to move to Bern. We have found a couple of apartments that we would like to have a look at. I can`t fucking wait to get our own little place! OUR place, but with MY rules. We have decided to stay here over the summer so we can save some money and because I have a job here. But then we will be taking our stuff and move to Bern. Woooohoooo!

Yesterday, we went to the Outdoor games. First we had a little BBQ at our house with wine and beer. And then we took our beer-bottles and walked to Interlaken for some serious outdoor games.

 It was a really nice evening but the films were a big disappointment. Last year, the films were so amazingly fucking cool but this year they were quite boring. The whole thing about the films is that different teams of extreme sporters are making a film. And then they compete about who did the best one. Anyway, this year I didn`t really like any of them. I hope for some better work next year! And ofcourse..the evening ended up in a true Interlaken summer spirit...with me stealing flowers (and basil) from Coop I have to say that our apartment looked a little bit more colourful when I woke up this morning:-)

O.K...that was it for today but I will be back...soon...very soon!

Loads of love
R xx

Girls in need of help - the fight against Pro-Anas

See, I saw this show yesterday which were called size zero. It was about girls who were serverely ill. (They obviously didn`t consider themselves to be ill) They all had a size waist which equals the average waist size of a ten year old. It broke my heart to see these women. What are they doing to themselves? Why are they throwing away their lives on something so mean and horrible?

One of the girls who were sick had a boyfriend who was really angry and deeply worried. He loves his girlfriend but she is so sick that he does`nt know what to do anymore. He blaimed the media and the pro-ana homepages. And they are really disgusting. They help you to get around the fact that you have to eat and they give you tips and advices how you, in the easiest way can throw up, and aslo how you can hide from your family and friends that you are doing it.

There is little the private person can do. These girls are sick and they need treatment, love and a higher self-esteem. The internet access to these pages can never be stopped but a small step is to get them away from facebook. So, please help me by searching on thinspiration on facebook and then report the group. It is not a big step but atleast it`s a step in the right direction.

Some pictures from one of the THINSPIRATIONS group on facebook

What it says on the first picture to the left is:

If you want to be thin you have to be in control,
you can control you life from the inside out,
so do it, you can do will do it..
ana is a way of life, so embrace it

If you eat again you can never be like her,
if you eat you will stay fat,
If you eat no one will ever remember you as being that pretty thin girl,
If you eat, the string around your waist will get to tight,
If you eat, no guy will ever want you,
If you eat, the red dress will look horrible on you,
If you eat you will always look like a fucking whale,
If you eat you will be using up your environments resources,
If you eat you can never dance,
If you eat, you will have to spend all your money buying more food,
If you eat, you will be ugly forever

Then there is the pictures with the girls that are sun-bathing. Underneath that picture on facebook somebody has made a comment. The comment goes something like this: The girl in pink is so beautiful. I want to look like her and not like the other girls.

It is so fucking fucked up.


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