This message will follow in swedish..

Grattis på födelsedagen min Sofia! Idag fyller du mogen kvinna. Jag har alltför lite insyn i vad som försigår i ditt liv för att säga om du har de vuxenpoäng som krävs för att räknas som mogen. Har du ICA-kort? Läser du DN på morgonen? Är nyhetsmorgon på Tv4 ditt favoritprogram? Kommer du ihåg att ta med dig tygpåsar när du går och handlar eller köper du fortfarande nya plastpåsar varje gång ? Jag har ingen aning. Jag önskar att jag hade en aning om hur mogen du egentligen är;-)

Vi har gått igenom mycket tillsammans. Mycket roligt, som Agia Napa, England, Egypten, filmkvällar, biokvällar, promenader i det kallaste av kallt, jumpin jaks, äggmackor efter skolan, godis och dåliga tv-program, Villa Medusa, Big Brother, Rederiet(?). Men också mycket tråkigt. Vi har delat problem och de djupaste tankar. Vi har gråtit tillsammans, varit där för varandra och också, må icke glömmas, fått varandra att gråta och slagit varandra halvt hjärndöda. Summan av kardemumman, vi har gått igenom mycket tillsammans och vi har gått igenom hela skalan. Från det roligaste röda till det sorgligaste svartaste svarta.

Idag är det din dag. Jag hoppas att den blir helt underbar. Precis som du förtjänar. Massa tårta och skratt, vänner och underbara familjen, Jag önskar verkligen att jag kunde dela den här dagen med dig. Äta tårta och prata om hur idiotiska killar EGENTLIGEN är. Men jag är här. Och du är där. Men glöm aldrig bort; Oavsett vart vi befinner oss på jorden så finns jag med dig i mina tankar och du kommer alltid att finna en vän i mig. Jag saknar dej Fia! Snart ses vi igen!


Now..go get drunk!

Saknar dej!

Massa grattis kramar från din kompis Rebecca xx


You know how something can happen that makes you go:
AHA! That happend to me today while I was cleaning and listening to DSR 3.

Have you heard of a song called "The power of love" by Frankie goes to Hollywood? I have  ita million times and I always thought that it was a very pathetic song. Especially because of the lyrics. But that was until I realized what the lyrics REALLY ARE. They are not: "The power of love, ARE forced from above" but "They power of love, A force from about" which makes much more sense. I always thought it was so tragic because it sounded like love was forced (from god or something else from above) on people. And also, are is grammatically wrong which did my head in aswell.
A little thought on friday afternoon


Ps. I went to the gym today and I was aaaalll by myself. It is a special gym were you have your own key, there is no reception and you can go to the gym between 06.00 in the morning until 23.00. So today it was like having my own gym. Felt like a princess (a sweaty princess)


When a day just turns out..hmm..well

I would be lying if I said that we woke up at 06.15 this morning with a huge amout of enthusiasm. Indeed, if the reason were that we were going to the caribbean or even to the the Mediterranean sea, the enthusiasm would probably be more than obvious. But the reason this morning was school and work. With tired eyes we managed to get some coffee and pack are stuff. The ride to work/school is still somewhat vague. Most important point is that we didn`t have to get up this early. It was all under pure voluntariness. Reason being: I had to study and we wanted to visit our new gym for the first time and therefore, leave a tiny bit earlier than usual.

Said and done. I bought breakfast on the way that I managed to forget somewhere along the way because of tiredness. Some lucky bastard better have enjoyed my crossiant! Lucky thing was that my tiredness dissappeared somewhere between the trainstation and the toilet by the library. And I was being an effectiv little Ant. I read and wrote and studied until it was time for my german lesson. BUT to my "dissapointment" my german course was cancelled. Obviously, this was right about that time that the Ant in me died and buried itself somewhere far away in nowhere. So..instead of using them two hours to study I was drinking coffee with my new-found friends from the german course. I do, however, have to admit that it was worth it. We learned some new german words and we laughed loud and alot about the swiss people and their little small special qualities that they have. It was nice!

After that it was time for me to go to the hairdresser but that is a whole other story! After two hours at the hairdresser (with no obvious differences than before) it was time for me and Patrick to set out for the gym. We got sweaty, warm and we "where up in the gym just working on our fitness" After one and a half hour or so we went home and cooked. Patrick (Jag älskar dej) cooked and I cleaned. And then we went back to the gym but only to solve some unfinished business. And know we have finally settled down after this day who just turned out...hmm..well. Maybe it was the warmth and the sun. But I think it was the feeling of doing something good throughout the whole day (I very rarely do that)

Time for me to let my brain get busy with "Frauentausch" but here is a little picture of me and Pat after our first day at the gym.

I know..Patrick has got a long way to go..but me on the other hand...

I`ve got it.....

Auf Wiedersehen!
/Rebecca xx

Supersize vs Superskinny

Nowadays I have the simple luxury of having about a million chanels. Everything from Thai television to cooking shows from Holland. Obviously, these chanels are not my favourite of choice. The brittish chanels however, usually shows interesting and brain dead stuff that I like to watch.

The last tv-program that caught my eye was a show called Supersize vs Sperskinny. It is the absurdest show that I have ever watched. For five days an anorexic person and an very overweight person have to live together. Obviously, that is not a big deal. But then..they have to change eating habits with each other i.e the overweight person is aloud to eat maybe 500 calories a day wheareas the person with anorexia has to eat up to 3500-4000 calories...a day! what??

What shocked me the most is that the whole idea came from a doctor who also takes part in the program. His idea was that, by letting these two people living together, would lead to that they understood their own problems better. Haaalllllooo! Why would you put an anorectic person on an overwieght persons diet? And why would you put an overweight person on an anorectic persons diet? I think it is absurd and wrong. Should not doctors know better than that? Obviously, it is really funny to look at. And they probably have loads of viewers. Does not make it o.k though! But I have to admit...I can`t wait for the next episode.

Nxt week these two has to change diets:

Hmm..the world is crazy

Morning time has gold in the mouth

Woke up to another sunny, amazing day. I guess it compensate the fact that I have two very boring lectures today. Decided to take my nordic walking stick for a walk. The air was cold and so fresh. You know, that sort of fresh that it only gets when it is starting to get cold outside. To sum it up: Me and my nordic walking sticks were really satisfied when we came back. 


Like a big stone fell of my chest..

Hello beautifuls!
 It is,once again, evening. And with e
vening comes darkness and full stomaches. It might sound as if I mean that in a bad way but, no, not at all. I like it. I like when it gets dark and you can put your cozy pyjamas on, light some candles and let the coziness flow.

Anyway, I was on a mission today. After my incredibly, amazingly, interesting english lesson (feel the sarcasm) I went to Luzern. Mission: Get the fucking stone out of my hroat. It was an very interesting experience.
 I have to admit that one reason was the fact that it was on the floor for plastic surgery. I saw atleast four people who have had their faces smashed in. Haha! I also won`t deny the fact that the whole experience got somewhat better when I realized that my (three) doctors were Mcdreamy, mcsteamy and mcdutty:-)

But the climax of the experience was the "operation" itself. They used this new technology which was quiet interesting. They used this machine, that transmitted some sort of waves with frequencies (I can`t explaing this very well) They put this machine against my skin and it was suppose to destroy the stone. It hurt like fuck and I have to go for another two tries. If they stone isn`t gone after the third time they will have to operate:-(

Anyway,when I got home I found one (or several) pleasent surprices. When I got home I found that there was a lamp hanging in the roof of my living room(did not hang there when I left this morning), curtains in my bedroom (there was one this morning. Today there was two and thereby,complete)dinner (fish with feta cheese salad) and a bag of M&M:s. Me and Patrick live after this theory nowdays. Some chocolate is good after dinner. To get "another mounth" (directly translated from the swiss german saying"angers mul") I like our theory. That means that I get chocolate every night:-)

I know. The picture is shit. But it is my throat. And there is a stone in it:-)

Our "new" lamp. Taken from outside on the balcony.

O.K Good night people. Sleep well!

/Rebecca xx

Ps. I learned one interesting thing today on my english grammar lesson. Insted of saying (for example on the phone)
- Hi, it is me
you should say
- Hi, it is I
It sounds wrong but it is gramatically right Ds.

It is time for another try..

Hello my beautifuls!

I will try to do this again. I wish I could write that I have been awfully busy with doing fabulous stuff and that that is the reason to why I have not written in so long. That is, unfortunally, not the case. I have just been a lazy cow, without any inspiration WHAT SO EVER. That is not a hundred per cent true because obviously Mrs.Anka from "Svenska Hollywood fruar" och Kate Price from "What Katie did next" gave me some inspiration. But I guess that was where the laziness took over.
But now, bloody hell, I will start writing again. Like never before.

A small update:
- Coldplay concert
- Wedding
-School starts again
- School starts
- Trying to quit smoking so I can run the Jungfrau Marathon
- Will be signing up for the gym again so I can get fit
- Having my stone in my throat removed today
- Bring some coziness to new apartment (Orange, red, purple..)

Here are some pictures:

The place in Italy were Patrick and I went swimming. In the middle of the night. Slightly tipsy. In our birthday suits.

What is better than a "Kladdkaka" for your 30:th Birthday? Spontaniously, I would answer: NOTHING

A picture of Patrick in our cozy flat. What is less cozy is the Playstation playing.

O.K..that was it for today. See you soon fuckers!!

/Half Pint

I-pod update: Feist- I`m sorry

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