
So, yesterday I arrived in the beautiful country of Sweden;-) It feels really good to be back. Everything went smoothly, I didn`t miss any plains, trains or buses. My plains, trains and buses were not late nor early. Everything went fine. Well, atleast til I got to the airport in Sweden were I had to wait an hour for my dad who`d driven to the wrong airport. hahahaha! I should however not say to much considering the fact that I missed my doctor appointment the other day because I went to the wrong doctor. I also, forgot the luggage that I had checked in yesterday. It was quite funny because we landed and we didn`t have to show our passports again or anything. So I went outside to wait for my dad and I thought to myself: Hmm..this went very quick. And then:BAM....I realized that I hadn`t picked up my 20 kg luggage. No wonder I felt so easy. So..I had to sneak in through the automatic doors in order to get my bag back. It wasn`t wasy but I managed it:-)

Me and my dad are leaving in about two hours. First we are going to buy a bike I have found. Perfect, "cheap" and really good(Patrick, next weekend, we are off for one hell of a ride) and then we are driving to Stockholm. I`ll put pics up on our roadtrip and my bike later on this week. Here are some outfits to start with:-)

Top: Pepe Jeans
Kjol: Top Shop
Skärp: H&M
Nylonstrumpor: Kvilles Hälsokosts butik
Skor: River Island

Linne: New Yorker
Kjol: Tally Weil
Tights: H&M
Hörlurar: Skull Candy

O.k..that`s if for me. I need to get some studying done. See U laters swedish beutifuls!

/R x

Time for Sweden. Can`t wait!

I have missed you fucking shitloads!!

There is however a somebody that I leave here in Swizzaland that I will miss a little bit. But a week, I can survive;-)

O.K suckers in Sweden. See you in a couple of days. And Patrick, DON`T TALK TO STRANGERS!

Good night/Rebecca xx

När man har bloggtorka kan man alltid...

Du heter: Rebecca Christine Lanz

Smeknamn: Rebi, Becca

Låt du sörjer till när du är ledsen? Det beror lite pa. Har direkt ingen standard depp lat men just nu sa skulle det nog vara Razorlight - wire to wire.

Beroende av: Choklad.

Vad tror folk om dig? Mer komplex fraga än vad man tror. Jag har ingen aning. Att jag är dum kanske. Fast det är jag kanske.

Vad får du oftast komplimanger för? Hmm. Mina ögon. Min rumpa (tro det eller ej..men faktiskt) och mitt karismatiska jag(när jag vill dvs)

Vad säger du för att imponera på någon? ?

Vad står det i ditt senast inkomna SMS?: I fogot the sandwich. Fuck!! (Jag gjorde en macka till Patrick som han glömde. Det är tacksamhet det)

Var bor du? Interlaken a`la Schweiz

Trivs du där? Japp

Äger du några Converse? Tre par? Fyra?

Sprit, cider, vin eller öl? Allt i en salig blandning

Brukar du bli för full? Aldrig (Host)

Vad har du för mobiloperatör? Swisscom

Är du allergisk mot något? Besserwissers. Och snala människor. Och langsamma människor. Jag hatar langsamma människor

Hur svarar du i mobilen? Hej det är Rebecca, Hello, it`s Rebecca. Alltid svarar jag sa. Spelar ingen roll.

Vem ringde du senast? Ett, förhoppningsvis framtida jobb

Vad sa den du senast pratade med i telefon? Att jag skulle komma pa anställningsintervju kl.11 idag ( om 40 min)
Antal timmar sömn i natt: 6-7?

Sov du ensam? Bade och. Halva natten själv. Halva natten med Patrick

Brukar du komma i tid? Ibland

När mår du bra? När jag har mkt att göra. Och när jag tränar. Och pa konserter och festivaler.

När mår du mindre bra? När jag har för lite att göra dvs. tänker för mkt pa livet.

När blev du fotad senast? Jammin Corner av stalker

Hur känner du dig nu? Stressad och rastlös. Vanlig känsla numera

Vanligaste färg på dina kläder? Svart, vit, gra, rosa

Vad tycker du om fötter? Fula. Jag hatar fötter i allmänhet

Vad saknar du? Min familj och mina vänner i Sverige. Mer än nagonsin

Hade du en bra kväll igår? Inget speciellt. Inte sa värst. Panikangest kväll.

Favoritdryck på morgonen? Kaffe i alla dess former. Just nu kallt kaffe eftersom att det är sa varmt

Rakar du benen? Ja, för fan

När brukar du oftast gå och lägga dig? Mellan halv elva och tolv

Är du blyg? I vissa situationer, fruktansvärt

Sysslar du med någon idrott? Jag har precis tagit upp cykling. Och joggning. Känns som en nystart pa livet om jag ska vara ärlig.

Vill du hellre ha mejl än brev?  Nej. Brev is the shit

Tror du på kärlek vid första ögonkastet? Nja. Attraktion helt klart. Kärlek..nää. Jag är nog t.o.m en stark föresprakare för att kärlek växer med tiden

Har du spytt offentligt? Vilken fraga..klart som fan att jag har!

Är du nöjd med ditt liv? Ibland är jag supernöjd. Ibland har jag galen panik.

Är du bortskämd? Det beror pa. Pa manga sätt är jag nog rätt bortskämd.

Vad gör du i morgon? Klistrar in bilder i album, tränar, pluggar

Vad är det värsta du vet? Det är ju typ samma fraga som förut! Langsamma människor är nagot av det värsta jag vet. Och min egen osäkerhet. Den är ocksa äcklig.

Hur mycket pengar brukar du slösa på en vecka? Inte mkt alls. Högst en femhundring men oftast runt tre hundra. Och da bor jag ända i världens dyraste land

Vad längtar du till? Till Sverige om en vecka och till min och Patricks cykeltur i Augusti (Geneve-Cannes-Nice-Monaco-ngra mer orter i Italien-Lugano)

Har du bra vänner och äkta vänskap? Hmm. Svar fraga. Eller egentligen lätt. Ja, det har jag. Det är bara det att dom befinner sig hundratals mil härifran:-(

Vad är det finaste du fått? En adventskalender av Patrick. Det later kanske inte sa fint men det var det. Han hade gjorde den själv och hängt upp den över hela vart sovrum. Da blev det en tar eller tva.

En speciell dag du minns? När jag och sofia lag och sola här i Interlaken. Vid Neuhaus. Det var fint det!

Hur gammal är du? 23

Du samlar på? Erfarenhet och minnen. Jag vill bli hel med hjälp av erfarenhet

Vem ringer du när du är arg/ledsen? Sofia (om jag har pengar och en telefon)

Gillar du golf? Ja. Det är synd att det är en sa galet dyr sport

Vilken tid gick du upp idag? 08.00 (sovmorgon)

Har du sovit i din egen säng inatt? Japp.

Har du strumpor på dig nu? Japp

Är det okej att gråta? Det är okej att grata men bara av rätt anledning.

När grät du senast? Igar kväll. (Bara av rätt anledningar.haha)

Vad skulle du göra om du vann en miljon? Jag skulle ha en stor fest. Sedan skulle jag göra en resa och handla massa kläder. Men sedan skulle jag nog investera. Oavsett hur trakigt det later. Styra upp var lägenhet.

Bär du glasögon eller linser? Nej, men jag borde nog styra upp ett bar läsisar

Tycker du det är viktigt att ha märkeskläder? Det är det enda som betyder ngt.

När går du upp ur sängen en helgmorgon? Beror pa. Om jag varit ute 11-12. Annars klockan nio. Min och Patricks nya hobby med langa cykelturer pa helgerna tvingar oss att ga upp nio. (Det blir därför inte sa mkt utgang heller)

Har du piercing? Nej. Men snart sa. Dags att aterinföra den känner jag.

Vill du gifta dig? Ja,det vill jag

Vill du ha barn? Ja

Solar du ofta? Nej, jag blir ända inte brun. Men nu har jag varit ute i solen rätt mkt sa jag har fatt lite färg som man säger om folk med san hud som mig

Är du bra på att laga mat? Jag blir bättre och fantasifullare för varje dag

Är du flygrädd? Nej

Vad dricker du helst när du är törstig? Vatten.

Vilken är din favoritglass? Magnum..temptation? Är det sa den heter? Sen älskar jag Bounty glass. Jag dör för Bounty glass

Tror du på ett liv efter döden? Nej. Sedan jag fick en pojkvän som snart kan kalla sig Dr. Fysik tror jag inte pa mkt annat än dom som faktiskt kan bevisas (förutom psykologi)

Tycker du om sushi? Loves it!

Vad äter du helst när du ser på film? Ingenting.

Bor dina föräldrar tillsammans? Nej

Har du tandläkarskräck? Nej

Är du morgon- eller kvällsmänniska? Bade och tror jag. Jag älskar att ga upp tidigt dvs. verkligen hatar att ga upp sent. Jag gillar däremot att vara uppe sent, beroende pa dagsformen saklart. Sa om jag maste välja en blir det nog morgonmänniska.

Vilken ögonfärg har du? Blå.

Har du någon gång gråtit dig till sömns? Tyvärr, en gang för mkt. Eller tva.

Biter du på naglarna? Nej.

Hur ofta tränar/motionerar du? Herregud! Det beror pa tid och humör. Denna vecka har det blivit fyra ganger plus imorn och cykling pa lördag. Det är sex ganger. Ibland blir det bara en eller tva ganger i veckan

Senaste låt du hörde? Dance with somebody

Senaste film du såg? Benny Button


Today:10 km in 60 min.
 Tjejmilen in 45 min: I can do it!

My men.

I got some inspiration from Sofia (fagraste.blogg.se) and I want to put my favourite men out there aswell!! By the way ,Fia, big applouse for you for your creativity on the blog. Funny shit :-)!

Mums filibabba!

One life.

I don`t remember how it started. I can`t say exactly when it stopped. I have vague memories from when the thought wasn`t there but I remember the feeling of "it" being there in every little, hurtful, evil detail. I remember how it was to live with an eating disorder. A disorder that became my best friend, my worst enemy and my entire life.

I remember when I was twelve. I was eating chocolate in front of the television when a friend of mine asked:
- Aren`t you afraid of getting fat.
- Fat I asked with my, then, gulliable and protected eyes.
- Yes, fat. That is what all girls are afraid of.

Little did I know back then that that thought would take over my world. It would take over my brain, my heart, my muscles,my blood, my body, my reality.

I can`t say how long it took from that evening for me to enter into "the other" world. A world of disgust and self-destruction. A world that slowly would tear me down and convince me that my value is 0. A world of light and darkness. A world of the hopes of being happy but a never ending swim in the bottom of sadness. A world of the purest of hate. Hate towards me and my body. Hate towards everything that was me. As long as I was me, I was for nothing.

It`s not until today I have realized how sick I was, back then.To the world I was a short and cheerful person. I was never under-weight, I was rather on the top of the BMI scale of what normal weight is. I never got so bad that I was in any obvious danger. I never ate "nothing" and the times I threw up my sins can be counted on one hand. Or maybe two. But my soul was in real danger. It still has some serious scars from the dark, evil,unpleasent circle that I was drawn into. From the scarcity of love for myself and the constant abuse I provided it with. After living in a world for so long, where I never was good enough, where I was fat, horrible and unloveable, the scars might never go away. But they are slowly becoming less unclear, less obvious. They are more and more becoming apart of my past and a whole, healthy soul is what I`m planning for my future.

I can`t say when everything started to turn around. I can`t say: That was the day when I stopped obsessing about food and my disgusting self. All I know is that somewhere along the way I let go. A letting go which lead me to allowing myself to be loved, by myself and others. It allowed me to accept me for me and also love me exactly for that.

The reason why I am writing about this is because I feel that I am ready. I am ready to let go and share. I have left a world so complicated and hateful and I`m in this amazing point in my life where life is wonderful. I`m planning on never going back to something else, but I`m also planning on remembering. Remembering exactly how it was. Never forget the sorrow and the pain. And the chaos and the hate. Eating disorders are evil, sneaky little fuckers. They paint your world with the blackest of black and most important, they make you turn your back on yourself and everything you are.

I will (hopefully, one day) become a psychologist. And I want to use my experience. I am a firm believer that a person who has not seen an eating disorder from the inside, is going to find it hard to help somebody who is sick. There is something with eating disorders that can`t, til this day, be explained. But somebody, that has been in the hands of an eating disorder can atleast relate and try to make some sense in the sick world of a patient with eating disorders. I want to help patients to get well. Make them fight. Make them win. Make them walk away.


(The inspiration of this text today came from my lecture about eating disorders. I read the chapter about eating disorders and I heard the professor talk about it. It hurt in my heart and alot of memories came back. But it was also a reinforce, a reminder, of who I was. And who I am today

I also would like to add that I according to the psychological frames was never sick enough to say that I had an eating disorder. That is a totally different discussion but I think it`s an important subject. Is it really right that you should be on the verge of dying before you are considered to be sick?)

I`ve still got it...



So, yesterday we went biking. The 50 km was fun but oh, so hard. We had to go alot uphill which my poor body not really is used to. But it was beutiful! We didn`t go very quick and we enjoyed the view. When we got to Wallis we went to Patricks parents to get some food, some company, some beers and a bed to sleep in.

It looked something like this...

And now we are finally back home. We had thoughts about biking back but my arse hurt so much today (my bike was a little bit too big) that we took the train back. But I, however proudly have to say that I have ran 21 km and biked 50 km this week. That is a total of 71 km of movements that I have been doing. I am soo proud! Now I`m going to go and make a pizza. Mums Filibabba! Have a good evening beautifuls!

/Rebecca xx


Me and Patrick are now going to take our bikes to Vallis. It`s is around 50 km and I`m feeling fit as a bird!

Outfit of the day

Red bike-dress: Old and I dont know from where it is
Pink top: H&M
I`m going to be the hottest chick in the mountains today:-)
Have a wonderful weekend!
I-pod update: Kings of Leon-Sex on fire

Way of St.James

Yesterday when I went to Bern, I very randomly met Helen. She was on her way to the train to Paris from where she would take the night train to Spain and then continue with bus to the way of St. James/Jakobsvägen/Jakobs Weg. It starts in Lyon in France but Helen will start walking by the spanish boarder. She will be walking for four weeks and hopefully she will reach Galicia in northwestern Spain where the "goal" is: the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

I admire her for what she is doing. She will be walking by herself for four weeks. Sleeping in very simple Hostels without warm water, she has brought one extra t-shirt ( I do hope that she can wash it sometimes along the way) and no make up. No music. Nothing. Just her and her walking and her thinking. As I said, I admire her. Anyways, while she was off for her pilgrimage I was off to beer and football:-)

Helen arrived safetely in Spain. And YB managed to win the
 semi-final against Basel. With a game without any goals they
 finally managed to win through penalites in the end;-) Woohoo.
And now..Weeekend!

I-pod update: Razorlight- Wire to wire

What a day:-)

Fuck me! See, I`ve heard alot of complaining about the swedish health care. That the cues are so long and that you have to wait for ages to get to a doctor. Well, in Switzerland I waited two weeks in order to be able to do an Ultra sound. AND I had to fucking wait for fifty minutes before they let me in. Without telling me what was going on or how long I had to wait. The swiss system is not at all better, eventhough they pay around five times more than us to go to the doctor. In them situations, when I have to wait for that long and at the same time feel that the staff is having an arrogant attitude, I turn in to a monster. I could really jump on somebody. Here is a tip for the staff: If you let your patients wait for fifty minutes, treat them with some FUCKING RESPECT and give them some information about what is going on.

Anyway, now I managed to get that out of my system. The reason why I had to go to the doctor was that I have a stone in one of my glands. I started getting problem around a year ago, but it didn`t bother me that much so I never went to the doctor. At the beginning of this year though, it started to get swollen, and stay swollen for days. Everytime I ate something it would get HUGE. For a week or so. And then it just stopped. Until it felt like getting swollen again and then it for
was swollen for a couple of days and so on...

So, dear readers. I need your advice. See, when you get a stone in the glands in your throat the doctors first recommendation is to it severeal of sour stuff and massage the glands a little bit. That can lead to that the stone comes out from the glands on their own. If that doesn`t work they have to make a small operation meaning that they take the stone out through the patient`s mouth. In my case, however, the stone is too big (6 mm) and it is too deep inside my glands to be able to get it out that way. And the result of that is that I have to take the whole gland out. The risk of something going wrong is tiny and it`s a very simple surgery. I need to be hospitilazed for three days and then I can go home. The worst case scenerio would be if they hit they nervs for my under lip. That would lead to me having a hanging lip for the rest of my life. But as mentioned, risks are superduperstinydwarfsmall.

 But see, here is my problem. The stone doesn`t really hurt. It is ofcourse a little bit uncomfortable but it is something I can live with. I have read stories about people who doesn`t do any operations and just live with it. But I also read that the stones are growing around 1 mm per year. If that`s true I will have to make the surgery one day or another. I just feel like the risks are too big for the small amount of problems that I have. And considering the facts that the risk of something happening is really small, you can imagine how small my problems are. What shall I do? :-( HELP ME!

Anyway. After the long waiting we for the poodoctors we managed to get away from the Hospital and get some FOOOD.

I-pod update: Mando Diao - Dance with somebody

Gordon Ramsey with wife in bedroom

Gordon: Open Hell`s Kitchen

Wife spread her legs. Gordon starts to touch her here and there.

Gordon: It`s fucking raw in the middle!! It`s cold!

Wife: I`m sorry, Chef. It won`t happen again.

Gordon: U fucking donkey. U are a fucking stupid Bitch. Why the hell are you fucking here? U just stand here like an overbaked muffin!

Wife: Sorry Chef.

Gordon: What fucking sorry? U are fucking useless! I`VE HAD ENOUGH! CLOSE HELL`S KITCHEN!

Wife: But, but..Where is the sauce? I can`t see any sauce

Gordon: Ofcourse you can`t you fucking donout! You are so fucking useless, I can`t even produce a decent sauce
with you!

It`s suppose to be funny. But it`s actually not that funny now when I read it. It was more funny making it up the other day than writing it down. Oh,well.

Happy Easter Biiiiaaaatch!

So, I started at my new job two evenings ago in this place called Jammin Corner. I don`t know how much they will let me work, but something is better than the little, tiny word nothing. Jammin Corner is a very relaxed place with people in no hurry W.S.E. In Contrast to Brasseriet (were I used to work), were I had to change ashtreys every fucking second and lick my costumers up the arse. It`s a nice evening with nice people. It`s a nice litte job. And, apart from that I get, for seven hours of work, 151 CHF. Which would be 1109,77 SEK. If I would work there full time (only seven hours though) 24 414,94 per month. And that`s after tax. I`m feeling quite pleased at the moment. Very happy that I got this job. Eventhough I`m just working over the easter and then I might have to wait until the summer. As I said, something is better than nothing.

Over to something else. Me and Patrick have been fighting off and on since January. Mainly it`s been about the fact that he is going to Russia. Or to China. With his bike. I think it`s such a cool thing to do. But why does my boyfriend have to do it:-)? On top of that, we live with his parents. Which is causing me great stress sometimes. Anyway, yesterday we found out that the guy he was going with, can`t go anymore. Which means that my Patrick will be home aaaall summer looong. We have already planned to go on our own biking tour, from here to the french and italian coast. Or maybe to Gibraltar. I can`t wait! I`m so happy he is going to be here over the summer. Festivals, BBQ:s, love, summer, alcopops:-)

Last but not least. I am 1,52 m. 5 feet. A small girl. When I got to Switzerland two years ago I worked in this restaurant. Nice restaurant with nice food. I ate. I ate alot. And I drank. I gained in weight. Without noticing it. I was doing alot of sports but I was sort of eating "on the clock" meaning like: Oh, now it`s twelve. Now I have to have lunch. Oh, now it`s three, I should eat a snack. A small obession with food. I would say. Or a small obession wanting to be healthy. That went bad. Anyway, I got out of this circle last year when I started working in the Brasseriet and I didn`t have the time to worry about food or weight. I started feeling very good. Eating what I felt like, exercising without any pressure, basically I started enjoying life a little bit more again. Alot thanks of Brasseriet and alot thanks to my boyfriend. And, the interesting part is that as soon as I stopped caring. My weight dropt. I`ve lost eight or nine kilos since I started working in Brasseriet in february last year. I don`t think it`s that obvious but I feel very good about it. Losing the weight I didn`t need without become hysteric. Rather by letting it go. Anyway, it`s hard to explain without becoming to annoying. What I want to come to is that the weight is just a plus. But to be able to let go of the worrying, the eating schedules, the regrets in the evening, the hysterical training. That is one of the most wonderful things that has happened to me in a long, long time. I got that thing what they call life back.

O.k people. Have a wonderful easter! Today I`m off, so me and Patrick are going to visit his parents on the campingside.

Happy Easter, Easter bitches!

The happenings of the dej:-)

1. I overslept. Missed my lecture.
2. I burned myself in the sun. Looking like a tomato.
3. A guy spilled a almost full fake redbull over me on the train. He didn`t say anything. Just waked away. I stank. All the way home. (I wish I would have killed him right then and there)
4. Is running out of time. Need to be at work in two hours and I have gotten NOWHERE.

Anyway, after this shitty day (it was not only shitty because the sun was out and I spent some time with a good friend of mine) I`m hoping for a nice evening at work.

Puss, puss mina kära pask-kärringar!

I-pod update: Lily Allen - Not fair,Fuck you and Who`d have known

Some about Hooters, some about the man that likes Hooters. Or would like Hooters.

See, I really thought I already had the job in Hooters. That was wrong. They called me and said that they don`t need any staff at the moment. Or for the summer.I thought that sucked big, hairy penis and I didnt know what to do. I decided not to panik tho and keep my hopes up. That same evening I applied for several of different jobs. And, go figure, I`m working tomorrow and on friday in a place called Jammin Corner. And, the best part is, I don`t have to wear ugly orange shorts of which would have made my arse look even more big and awful then it already is. Well, I think my arse is nice, but in them shorts, you almost have to be thai to pull it off!! If you know what I mean;-) 

So, over to something totally different. My i-pod update for the day will be a "man" that calls himself Illaman. Reason is, first of all, that I like him and I love his music. Second of all, it is his b-day today. 27,is it? When I met him, he was young and vital:-) A baby. Only 23. And now, this red-beard rapper is getting older by the minute:-) Anyway. Dave. Have a beautiful b-day and drink a Magners for me. We don`t get them in Swizzaland!

Beutiful Illz with the Skillz:-)

A link to Illaman`s sound: http://www.myspace.com/illaman
Go, listen!

O.K Peeople, time for me to go and work on my fitness:-)

/Rebecca x

Spring. Love. Sun. Friendship. And Love.

Today it was warm. Warm, beautiful and freakly. Perfect weather to play outside the University building.

Pause. Press. Play.


Ironically..the same day as I put my orange summer up, they call me from Hooters and tell me that they don`t have a job for me. I`m panicking at the moment. Eventhough I know that I will find a job! Start fucking over again is always a fucking irritating moment.

To run like Forrest Gump

So,as you might know by now, I have discovered the beautiful thing with running outside. It`s just amazing to put your training shoes on, get your i-pod (pimped up) and just get out there. Especially on a day like today. It was around ten in the morning so it was`nt that warm yet. By not that warm, I mean, around 14-16 C. It was perfect! I can`t wait for this summer. To start running outside is one of the best things I`ve ever done.

However, not when I have to run like Forrest Gump. See, I was running a distance that I`ve never ran before. Yesterday, Patrick, explained exactly how I was suppose to run. Somewhere I took a wrong turn though. It wouldn`t have been too bad if I didn`t have a train to catch with not alot of marginals to play with. But, because of my train, this run was perfect. Patrick was guessing that it would take me around 45 min. I was gone for 1 h and 10 min. I got home and fucking stress hit me!

After that, I missed the bus. By missing the bus, I had ten minutes to get to the train station. Ten minutes with a distance that usually takes me a little bit longer than 15 min. I made it...with a little bit of sweat in my face and under my arms. After my german lesson, the same thing happened again. Or almost. I, realized, that I was about to miss the train to my lecture at the university in Bern. So, this time, I didn`t have to walk as an idiot..I hade to run like Forrest Gump. I made it...again!

I`m happy I caught all the trains that I was suppose to caught today. I`m less happy though about the fact that it fucking made me exhausted! But, oh well. I`m still alive. Which is the most important thing I guess.

Tired as a banana, after my day as Forrest Gump, I`m going to crawl into bed with my beautiful boyfriend. And hopefully fall asleep. Good night beutiful people!

I-pod update: Arctic Monkey-Brainstorm

/R x

My orange summer..

This is how orange my summer will be

The ice cream of the summer...

I know which icecream I will be eating this Spring/Summer. This is
the new Magnum temptation with cranberries, forrest fruit sauce
and chunks of chocolate. Obviously, covered in chocolate. It was
really fucking in my mouth when I tried it today. I know, go and try it aswell!

If you are one of them people who thinks that fruit don`t belong in icecream and that it should
be pure chocolate, go for the other temptations! They
are also two pieces of heaven. Pure chocolate!

I have to add that I don`t think that Magnum temptation fruit can be bought in Sweden:-(
But try some temptation full with chocolate. And imaging it
being with cranberries. Or if you don`t like cranberries. Just
enjoy the chocolate and don`t pretend that there are cranberries in it:-)

So, come on. Go and ice cream yourself.
(haha. so lame)

My weekend of food...

Not only was my weekend full of beautiful weather and flowerness. It was also full of food.

Friday evening

Jätteräkor med nudlar
(4 pers)
300 gr nudlar|400 gram brokkoli|16 jätteräkor|2 klyftor vitlök|2 teskedar sesamolja|2 matskedar ljus soja|2 matskedar ostronsas|En halv tesked socker|En chili|Garnera med tva varlökar och lite korianderblad|

Saturday evening

Kalmare med oliver
|250 gr kalamari|50 gr svarta oliver|50 ml olivolja|50 ml jordnötsolja|Saft fran en halv citron|Havssalt och svartpeppar|En handfull persilja|
Spett med tomat och feta
|150 gr feta|10 cocktailtomater|10 sma basilikumblad|Olivolja|Svartpeppar|

Lax fran medelhavet
|4 laxfileer utan skinn|24 sma soltorkade tomater|24 basilikablad|24 svarta oliver|3 stora vitlöksklyftorHavssalt och svartpeppar|Olivolja|
|600 gr olika typer tomater|1 hand med basilikablad|1 tesked dijonsenap|1 matsked rödvinsessig|En halv tesked socker|4 matskedar olja|Havssalt och svartpeppar|

Champagnesoppa med bär
|600 gr bärmix|1 hand mintblad|2-3 matskedar socker|200 gr joghurt|200 gr grädde|300 ml kall champagne(eller bubbelvin)|

Sunday morning breakfeast

|4,5 dl ragmjöl|2 tsk bakpulver|En halv tesked salt|En halv dl olivolja|2 dl mjöl eller filmjölk|


The recepie for the food on friday came from the german magazine Shape. The menu on Saturday was from Gordon Ramsays book "Schnelle Sternküche" ( I dont know what it is called in english) and the scones on Sunday morning was from the homepage: www.scones.se!

A "flowery" day in the beautiful sun of spring...

It`s a perfect day today. A perfect day of spring. And especially, a perfect day of flowers. When I woke up this morning and baked scones and had a nice breakfeast with scones, cottage cheese, peppers and avocado. After that I went to see my brittish friend, Rosy aka. The flower (Blomman). She works in my fav. pub so I took a walk in the sunshine to visit her. And on top of that..it was the day to try out my dress. My beautiful flower dress. Beautiful. Spring. Flower.

Dress: H&M
Shoes: Vilda Floden;-)

Me and my flower dress. I love spring!

I-pod update: Bob Dylan - Forever young

Loads of springely and flowerly kisses from me, the flower girl


When the walls are closing around you,
when you no longer can tell between right or wrong,
when salty tears are running down your cheeks,
when the sun seems like rain,
when you feel like you are in between everything,
and nothing,
when dark turns to darker,
when you have feel that you have tried,
done everything you can,
when loneliness is to be two,
when you are trying to be seen,
when you love, but you feel like you have to let go,
what do you do?
What do you do, when it hurts the way it does?

Good night my friends.

A run in Interlaken. In the springy weather.

The weather was so beautiful so I decided to go for a run. Me, Polar and Mammut went. They were really helpful. Thanks to mammut I managed to keep on sweating and thankt so Mr. Polar I managed to run an whole hour. It`s the first time in my life I manage to run for an whole hour outside. I`ve always claimed that I don`t like running outside. Turns out...I do. As long as I don`t run like a fucking idiot and force my heart to beat quick as a rabbit. When I run slowly (read superduper senior slowly..almost standing still) it`s really nice to run. I ran so slowly I managed to take some pics.

Tonight me and Patrick are cooking and then we are going to see Misamis play in Falken. Is going to be sweet as a nut! People, weekend has arrived!

I-pod update: Flo-rida feat. Sean Kingston - Roll

The German version of the famouse show...

I`m sure you all have come across this on television once or twice before. Stupid tv-show where people pay shitloads of money by calling the show, thinking that they know the word they are looking for. The word is simple but it can also always be a million different simple words. So nobody right. And the viewers keep on calling and calling and the program just see money rolling in. They basically fool stupid fucking people on stupid fucking amounts of money. I am, however sure that the swedes have never come across this version before. Topless hostess. What I especially like is that snake between her tits and the fact that the board in the background is handwritten. Pure quality. Allow me to say: Haha...fucking Ha!

Nice ladies and serious walking. Walking with sticks.

First I`d like to say, it is now offical. Patrick is obsessed with Gordon Ramsey. He bought a book for around a hundred million francs. Just to be able to look at the pictures:-)

 Anyway, today me and Helen met in the pöb for coffee and gossip. It`s always so nice to see my beautiful, swedish friend and be able to talk the beautiful language, swedish. Helen is so good for me! I am everywhere and nowhere. So shattered and restless. She is so calm and down to earth. And wise. Sometimes she is like an old woman in a young (and very fit) body. The wisest person I`ve met. Probably the only person that I`ve met that I can call wise. She reminds me alot of a cow (not considering her wisdom), calm and trofast. That she reminds me of a cow, might sound funny or mean. But I mean it with all the love I feel for her in my heart. Helen, the cow. Soo good.

Now I`ve just come home to have some salad and get changed. After that I`ll grab my nordic walking sticks, my mammut jacket and my trainers and go for a looooong walk with my other, very beautiful friend, Nicole. Nicole is unfort. swiss, but she is good anyway:-) Very good. After the walking, me and the beautiful N, will watch the well-informativ and cultural program, germanys next top model. Yes I watch the German version. And yes, Heidi Klum does annoy me.

My Beutiful friends. And me. And a cow.

I-pod update: Glasvegas - Polmont on my mind

Puss/Rebecca xx

The sweet history of treatments for people with a mental illness..

The first time people tried to define mental illness was in the Stone Age. They believed that people that behaved in an unusual way were posssessed by evil spirits. The techniques they used in order to "heal" theese people, were methods like prayer, incantation (magisk formel) and magic. If these, quite harmless methods didn`t work, they had to adopt toother, more extreme methods. Flogging (prygel), starving, burning and causing the person to bleed profusely were frequent forms of treatment.

But also the Chinese were early with trying to define the cause of mental illness. They believed that the body contained a positive and a negative side. If these sides were in imbalance, it could lead to illness, including insanity (precursor of Freud?) The ancient Chinse also believed that emotions could be caused when "vital air" flows on specific organs. For example: Sorrow was caused when air flowed into the lungs and anger was caused then air flowed on  the liver.

With Hippocrates, the first medical perspective arose. He believed that unusual behaviour were the result of disturbance in the balance of body fluids. Hippocrates with friends agued that  a pleasent surrounding, exercise, proper diet, massage and soothing baths were the best methods to cure people with psychological diseases. Many individuals were even cared for in temples dedicated to the gods of healing.

Unfortunately, this progressive view of mental illness, did not continue. During the middle age the mentally ill were considered to be in league with Satan and that they were in possess of supernatural, evil powers. They, therefore believed that beating, starving and torturing the mentally ill served to punish the devil. This is closely related to the witchcraft trials.

In the late Middle Ages, asylums were build in orderto cope with the mentally ill. The asylums were nothing but a horrible prison, treating them more like animals than like human beings.  Thanks to a man called Pinel, who disagreed with the methods that were being  used in the prisons, things started changing. He discovered that "patients" or more correctly, "prisoners", that were consdered to be "helpless cases", when removed from their restraints, placed in clean, sunny rooms, and treated kindly improved enough to leave the asylum.

For all of you who is intrested to read more about the development of treatments for people with mental illnessess, Clifford Beers was a very important person in the 20:th century. He educated the people about what mental illness actually was (He had himself been diagnosed with bipolar disorder at a young age)He, therefore, wrote a book called "A mind that found itself" (I love the titel) about his disease and his recovering, in order to make people understand more about mental illness.

That was some of what I am doing in school! Very intresting!

An evening of pottering...

Woho! Today my german course was really helpful. See, the people that are in my group sucks! They are sooo bad when it comes to the language of the hard and the mean. But..they are however five million times better than me when it comes to grammar. Today I noticed how weak my german grammar is. Anyway, after two hours in the world of genetive I feel like a got some flesh (or more correctly said..some MORE flesh) on my legs. After that I went to the gym to get my arse rock solid. So far, it is not quite working. It`s more similar to cottage pie than anything solidlike.

After the exercising, me and Patrick did a very nice starter for his parents (toast skagen) And eventhough they hate shrimps, they quite liked the toast. Or maybe we just didn`t notice when they spat it out.

 After dinner I got to do something that I`ve longed for. I recieved my pictures that I`ve ordered. Or more correct, I got my million pictures that I`ve ordered...So now I can finally start putting them into albums. Fuck me, it`s going to take forever. But it`s gona look nice when it`s done. Sweet as a freaking nut!

Thank you Sofia (fagraste.blogg.se) for helping me making my pictures look sooo nice
I-pod Update (for exercising,very good, gummisnodd): Eve- Tamburine

Good night, Rebecca x

Another day in the land of cheese..

[My Wednesday][Read some Biology psychology][German-course][Exercise][Make Starter for tonights dinner (skagenröra)][Start writing on my summary that needs to be done on saturday. In german][Finish my blog about Switzerland vs. Sweden][Read some in "der Vorleser"]

My pink, fluffy dreams of wanting....

1. Frauenfeld 10-12 July. I want to go. Kanye West, 50 cent, Lil Wayne, Gentlemen, N.E.R.D..buuhuu:-(
2. Summer to come. And stay. Forever.
3. Some more money on my account.
4. Go to London. I miss London! Shitloads.
5. That my hair grows (the hair on my head)
6. That I will get brown this summer (that will not happen. I am pale as a white fish and I will stay..pale as a white fish)
7. That my german will approve. Big time!
8. Become a psychologist

Anyway. Enough with the dreaming. Today my eyes look like almonds. And I don`t mean that in a positve way. In a negative way. I have been suffering from sleeplessness the laste couple of days. Mainly because of my neurotic personality. But that wasn`t the case yesterday. A man was the reason to why I didn`t get much sleep. Patrick, you might think. No(I wish). The man that kept me awake was a certain cook, called Mr. Gordon Ramsay. His show "Hell's Kitchen" is addictive (You fucking donkey!) I am afraid that if I don`t stop soon, my addiction will become serious. I`ll become a Gordon Ramsay heroinist. Anyway..enough of my Gordon Ramsay obsession and insomnia. I better get something done before my useless german class.

Outfit for the day:
Shawl: Vero Moda
Top: H&M
Trousers: River Island
Bag: Urban Outfitters, the new york version

My dublin highlight. It is so ugly it`s cute. My new favourite wallet.

I-pod update: Oasis-The Masterplan

With loads of love,

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