A run in Interlaken. In the springy weather.

The weather was so beautiful so I decided to go for a run. Me, Polar and Mammut went. They were really helpful. Thanks to mammut I managed to keep on sweating and thankt so Mr. Polar I managed to run an whole hour. It`s the first time in my life I manage to run for an whole hour outside. I`ve always claimed that I don`t like running outside. Turns out...I do. As long as I don`t run like a fucking idiot and force my heart to beat quick as a rabbit. When I run slowly (read superduper senior slowly..almost standing still) it`s really nice to run. I ran so slowly I managed to take some pics.

Tonight me and Patrick are cooking and then we are going to see Misamis play in Falken. Is going to be sweet as a nut! People, weekend has arrived!

I-pod update: Flo-rida feat. Sean Kingston - Roll


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