
To run with a Rooster

Just got back from a run in the beautiful Interlaken. Weather is amazing and superhot so I have to go out running with the fucking Rooster in order to not melt away in the heat. Patrick let me borrow his watch of which you can messure your puls and it`s soo good. Problem is that it`s not telling you the distance so I never know how far I`ve ran, only for how long. Today I ran for 54.10 min and I guess it was around 10 km. I really need to know because me and Helen are attending a race in August which is 10 km.

To study with a child

I don`t work until half past three so I am going to open some books about children and their development and try to learn something today. I thought it would be enough to just observe Patrick but I don`t think that is enough for me to past my test:-)

To hang with a beer

As mentioned above, work today at half past three. Hand out some beers, make a couple of Paninis and answer the same questions as you do every day. Oh, sweet tourists! 

Anyway, I have to go. I thought I would try to look at some apartments before I start to study.

Loads of love,


Postat av: pat

u r sooooooo funny today ;)

2009-06-30 @ 09:31:15

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