Gör om, gör bättre
Gör om, gör bättre. In English, do it again, do it right. Been a sucky blogger and a sucky photographer. But do it again and do it right.
I celebrated the fact that I finally am a Bachelor of Science. With two bottles of pink champagne. Oh, how sweet life can be. Especially when you celebrate it with friends.
My Patrick and I. Sun is in the way though.
Nadja also joined the festivities...
..aswell as her husband and Patrick`s brother Pascal.
Me and my swiss posse did some proper hardcore touristing....
...but the weather did not always play along. Museum and Imax it was.
One Swiss group left and another swiss arrived. My beautiful Nicole. Shopping during the day, way too much alcohol during the night. Just like a proper holiday should be.
Nicole left and I went to a birthday party. 24 (?) girls in a small apartment. Alcohol, music and limbo. It was a great evening. But I have been a bad photographer so my outfit will have to represent the evening.
Spontaneous is the new black. Visit at Taxinge Slott,1.5 h away from where I live. Taxing Slott is also called "the cookie castle"...
....and cookies they had.
This has to be it for now. But I promise. I will be a more active blogger. And a more active photographer. Promise.